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Logan Paul Deletes History With the People's Champion

The latest celebrity to sign with WWE, it looks like Logan Paul will wrestle matches for maybe the next couple of years. However, one person he won't be interacting with in the company is Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson.

In a recent episode of the "True Geordie" podcast, Logan talked about how one of his lifelong heroes was The Rock, but the Hollywood superstar and former WWE World Champion completely cut ties with him. According to Paul, it was "one of the saddest moments of his life."

They Used To Have A Relationship

In the podcast interview, The A-Lister revealed he used to have a relationship with The Most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment, and it was an important one for him. This relationship formed in 2017 when Paul, 22 at that time, was building his social media platform and was collaborating with other high-profile influencers. He called The Rock one of his idols and the two filmed some videos together. However, that is when things went wrong for the influencer. In his attempt to build his YouTube channel, he made a poorly thought-out decision that same year, during a trip to Japan.

The Aokigahara Video Ended Their Partnership

Logan went to the Aokigahara Forest near Mount Fuji in Japan. This is an infamous location, in that Japanese mythology hints that ghosts live in the forest. This has also had the unexpected side effect of making it a location where people go if they choose to die by suicide. Paul went to the forest, hoping to get some footage for his growing YouTube show and found more than he expected. He and his crew came across a dead body and filmed The A-Lister around the body. He posted it to his channel, expecting controversy to sell... and the backlash almost ruined the young influencer's career. Logan ended up deleting the video, but it was too late to save his friendship with the former WWF Intercontinental Champion.

The Rock Broke Off All Communication With Logan Paul

In the podcast interview, Logan Paul said that he and Johnson had a shared publicist and that The Rock sent a message through the publicist that he wanted "nothing to do with him" anymore.

"After Japan happened, obviously I found myself in a hole, rightfully so, that I had never been in before, extremely low mentally," Paul said. "I got a call from my publicist, who also repped Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, and she's like, 'Hey, Dwayne has asked that you remove every picture and video that you've done with him.'" A year after the event almost destroyed The A-Lister's social media career, he posted an apology statement about the video, where he said, "With great power comes great responsibility... for the first time in my life I'm regretful to say I handled that power incorrectly. It won't happen again."

Logan said he was sad that his hero no longer wanted anything to do with him, but he also said he understood and did what the publicist requested. While this ended his relationship with his WWE idol, it didn't seem to affect his future with the company itself. Five years after Paul made what he called a "grotesque error," he signed a long-term deal with The Federation. His first major match came at WrestleMania in a tag team match with The Miz, and his second was a Summerslam match against his 'Mania partner, winning both matches and is therefore undefeated in WWE. He also got a surprising DM from Dwayne Johnson about three months ago, complimenting one of his videos and acting like nothing ever happened, but Logan said he never responded. It was clear through his comments that Paul still holds a grudge over The Most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment ending things with him without a call, but he said he still feels that The Rock is "awesome." This likely won't lead to a WWE moment between the two, but if it did, maybe Logan Paul could finally get what he originally wanted, and that was a chance to discuss the incident personally with Dwayne Johnson.

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