It’s Wild Card Wednesday AEW Galaxy! This week's episode of Dynamite kicked off with Samoa Joe vs the Joker. Who was the Joker? JOHNY ELITE. John Morrison is in AEW and that is awesome. Just when we thought AEW ladder matches couldn’t get any better. If AEW is going to keep signing men, I like that it’s a guy like Johny. He is a super fun guy to watch in any capacity of wrestling and he doesn’t need to win at this point in his career. He ca just have fun, be fun, and put young guys or bigger stars over. This match was fun. Both men got their shine, the winner was never in doubt but the decision that makes sense is better than a surprise just because it’s unexpected. Surprisingly Johnys feet hit first on a 450 splash, I was surprised but that match was fun. After the match Lethal, Dutt, and Singh jumped Joe. Best friends and Rocky Romero made the save. I like this story more with them involved.
Winner: Samoa Joe
Next was a backstage promo with Hardy’s and the Young Bucks’. I like this story and the promo was good.
Next was (C) Adam Page vs Konosuke Takeshita with CM Punk on commentary. This match was obviously good. The thing I love about AEW is card placement doesn’t really matter. Any match can be the match of the night. Adam Page has been wrestling a little cockier since his feud with Punk started and I like it. He isn't a heel but He’s showing emotion in a match and his biggest criticism is that he’s bland. This was a perfect TV match. It reminded people how good Adam Page is. It got Konosuke over like crazy and it furthered a world title storyline. Also, CM Punk was on commentary which is never a bad idea.
Winner: (C) Hangman
Next was a Fuego Del Sol promo and it was actually pretty good man and I’m always happy to see Dark Order.
Next was Keith Lee and Swerve vs the Workhorsemen. There wasn’t much to this, but it was fun because Keith and Swerve rock without exception. The crowd ate all of this up, all guys played their roles well. Keith cut a fun promo after the match in his home state announcing they are now a top 5 tag team. Team Taz interrupted them, and I love Ricky Starks, so this was good and then Jurassic Express came out and thankfully Christain cut the promo, is what I thought until he spoke. Christain proposed “a three way” at Double or Nothing for the tag titles.
Winner: Keith and Swerve
Next was the worst backstage promo segment I have ever sat through. An interview with Red Velvet and Kris Statlander. Only the presence of Mark Sterling made this bearable but I like Kris and Jade is getting there. 🖕🏽
The 10 lashes of Wardlow was next and MJF cut a funny heel promo to kick off the segment. This crowd was hot all night and it made the show that much better. This is my favorite AEW storyline so far and I haven't been invested in a story since the Firefly funhouse. They did this perfectly. If they, did it just like the Cody one, I would've been upset but MJF and Wardlow did a great job selling all of this. I don’t want to spoil it, please go watch it.
Rupangi Vice cut a fine promo after commercial break challenging FTR for the ROH Tag Titles.
Next was a match that feels like it was made just for me (other than the presence of Abrahantes.) My favorite wrestler Kyle O’Reilly vs Rey Fenix, my favorite luchador. Congratulations to O’Reilly for being the first ginger to get enough sun to achieve a farmer's tan. I loved this match so Mutch. I was so surprised I shed a tear when he won.
Winner: Kyle O’Reilly
Next was Regal face to face with Chris Jericho. Jericho played fullllll heal here and it was great. He took low shot after low shot and the best part was the JAS stood on the ramp the whole time. When Regal got his turn, he ripped into Jericho. Regal made a joke, and it killed the crowd. But since He’s a pro he recovered by making fun of Garcia. Jericho challenged them to a Stadium Stampede and Jon Moxley shot that crap down hard. Moxley was the star of this segment. I’m not sure what the stipulation is but it’s for sure 5 vs 5. Eddie tried to go after the JAS and Danielson got in the way. This led to a fight breaking out between them.
Next was Britt Baker vs the Joker. Maki Itoh was the joker and I think she’s great. This match was great, but I can see how Itoh wouldn’t be appealing to everyone. The match was short for my taste. But they did good with their time. Britt and Toni Storm had a stare down after the match.
Winner: Britt Baker
Next was the self-burial of Serena Deeb. Obviously, I’m joking, well half joking but the part of the promo with Tony was fine. But then she kept talking and slurring her words and she kind of recovered towards the end, but I know that was the first time I’ve been happy to see commercials.
After commercial was the main event, Adam Cole vs Jeff Hardy. Adam Cole attacked Jeff during his entrance and had a good match with only 8 bloody minutes to work with. Maybe shave ALL the last segment and give it to these guys. Good match. Young Bucks furthered their story with the Hardys here. I liked how the show ended. It felt rushed but the brawl angle ending with a time cut is perfect. Tony Schiavone is MVP.
Winner: Adam Cole
This week was a good show, the Deeb segment was a drag but other than that I had a fun time watching the show. This week's episode was a 🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽
My picks for the Owen Hart foundation tournament finals are O’Reilly vs Cole and Toni vs Ruby Soho. My winners are Adam Cole and Ruby Soho. Do you guys agree? I hope you enjoyed the show this week. Stay blessed and remember to love wrestling.